A tribute to everyday glamour!

Category Skincare

Tips to making it all last! ❤️

Summer is upon us and that means loads of weddings and big parties where you wanna look your best… all day and night! I get a lot of clients in the salon who worry about their makeup migrating to places… Continue Reading →

Coconut oil and DIY body scrubs! ❤️

I’ve spend a ton of money over the years on expensive body lotions, creams and scrubs, but I never really found something that was good enough to stick to. I have of course found some good ones, but I’ve found… Continue Reading →

1-2-3 Testing! This Works!? ❤️

In this returning segment I will write little reviews of some of the beauty products I pick up here and there. I follow a lot of rad inspirational people on instagram, and I often end up buying alot of recommended… Continue Reading →

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